
The Sum of Small Signals: How Measuring Small Decisions Can Transform Engineering Leadership

Mike Hoye
Director of Developer Relations @ Pluralsight
August 27, 2024
August 27, 2024
1:00 - 1:45 PM
1:00 - 1:45 PM PDT


The idea of accumulating marginal gains transformed British cycling from a century of also-ran irrelevance to a decade of world dominance, today every team in every major sport recognizes this as the table stakes of success.

Software isn't a sport, but still: we can have that. A revolution of that caliber is within our grasp. But not if we're measuring CI throughput and doing surveys every six months; by then, all the decisions that matter have already been made. So let's talk about how we can see into our developer processes early, learn how to interpret those signals, and build world-beating teams out of the engineers and leaders you already have.


Mike Hoye
Director of Developer Relations @ Pluralsight

Mike Hoye is Flow's Director of Developer Engagement, a technical community leader by trade, a systems administrator by birth and fixer out of habit. His secret plan is turn software development into the inclusive, humane, empirically sound and morally defensible discipline the world needs it to be.

elc annual 2024 | August 27-28, San Francisco
elc annual 2024 | August 27-28, San Francisco
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