Expect 50+ Speakers
We’ll bring together top engineering leaders from today’s most successful and innovative companies, along with leaders & experts from adjacent disciplines engineering leaders work with closely, such as design, product, operation, etc.
Thuan Pham
Former CTO @ Uber & Coupang
Rebecca Parsons
CTO @ Thoughtworks
Marcel Weekes
VP of Engineering @ Figma
Ya Xu
VP of Engineering, Head of Data and AI @ LinkedIn
James Everingham
VP of Engineering @ Meta
Anurag Agarwal
VP, Engineering @ Google Workspace
Melody Hildebrandt
Chief Technology Officer @ Fox Corporation
Fergus Hurley
Co-founder @ Checks
The Experience
Designed to prioritize deep conversations & meaningful connections , ELC Annual offers a unique blend of interactive and immersive highlights - Gain invaluable insights in expert-led speaking sessions, expand your network through hand-matched 1:1 meetings, and tap into cross-company perspectives via peer-led roundtable discussions.
Curated 1:1 Meetings
We believe the most valuable part of our event is the opportunity to make real connections that last beyond ELC Annual. Our team hand-selects 5 to 10 connections for you and reserves time for you to network with each one.
Purposeful Connections, Easy
We understand the challenge of striking up conversation with unfamiliar faces in a large crowd. At ELC Annual, our team will personally curate 5 to 10 connections for each attendee, tailored to factors such as location, level, team size, domain, company stage, industry, and interests. You’re guaranteed to build connections with like-minded individuals and leave the conference with a valuable support network.
Effortless 1:1 Meetings
We send you personalized intros before the event, so you know who you’re matched with. We've also reserved dedicated time in our networking lounge, to ensure you have the opportunity to meet. All intros and meeting info are accessible via our mobile app, so it’s easy to find before and during the event.
Curated Roundtable Discussions & Peer Coaching
Classroom-Style Speaker Sessions
Connect Lounge
2019 memories
Previous Speakers
Two days of keynotes, fireside chats, panels, workshops, and roundtables centered on empowering engineering leaders to grow and adapt in today’s dynamic tech landscape.
Why Should You Attend
Connect With A Dynamic Community
Expand your network and form lasting relationships with like-minded professionals who share your passion for growth, innovation and success.
Gain Actionable Insights From Industry Experts
Learn from experienced engineering leaders who are at the forefront of the industry. Gain valuable insights, practical tips, and innovative strategies that you can apply to your own organization and teams.
Broaden Your Skills And Knowledge
Sharpen your leadership skills and broaden your knowledge base with our diverse range of sessions and speakers. Learn new approaches to leadership, management, and problem-solving that can help you achieve greater impact.
Find Real-World Solutions To Your Biggest Challenges
Get answers to your biggest challenges by hearing directly from experts who have successfully navigated similar obstacles. Gain fresh perspectives on your organization and team's unique challenges and opportunities.
Stay Ahead with The Latest Tech Industry Trends
Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the tech industry. Discover new tools and techniques that can help you stay ahead of the competition.
Recharge And Re-Energize
Take a break from your usual routine, unwind,and reconnect with your passion in an inspiring location. Be invigorated by the success stories of others and gain the confidence you need to take your organization and teams to new heights.
Past Attendees
Gain outside perspectives from across the industry
Standard Ticket
Price will increase by $200 on July 27th
2 day pass
Curated 1:1 meetings
Access to all roundtable sessions
Access to 50+ speaking sessions
Access to Connect Lounge
Group Ticket
Everything included in Standard tickets
(15% Off) - $657
What Attendees Are Saying
See what fellow engineering leaders have to say about ELC Annual and why they're excited for two days of expert insights, invaluable connections, & impactful moments at ELC Annual 2024:
Our Partners
Want to sponsor us? Reach out to us [email protected]
Our Community
11,000+ Members|10 Local Chapters|3000+ Companies
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should attend ELC Annual?
Do you have a justification letter to get approval from my manager?
I’d like my team to attend ELC Annual. Do you offer discounts for groups?
I work at a startup. Is there a reduced registration rate for me?
Are there single-day or single-session tickets available?
Can I make changes to an existing registration or transfer a registration to someone else?
How will I receive my tickets for ELC Annual?
Where can I find a receipt for my registration?
How do I access ELC’s virtual community?
Will ELC sell attendee lists?
My application was marked as “pending.” What do I do?
Still Have Questions?
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? For group purchase, please contact [email protected].
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